12 volt Compressor Kit with pressure Switch

Part Numbers: 903504, 903505 & 903508




Description:  The 12 VDC Compressor Kit turns on and off automatically at the desired cut-in and cut-out set point (22 psi differential).  The enclosure makes it ideal for outdoor use.  It can be used where a pressurized tank is needed (such as an air brake leakage compensator, line marker, striper, sprayer, air bag suspensions, foam marker).  3 models are available with different size of compressor.  Also PN 903505 includes a dump switch to lower or empty the pressure in the air line.  See below 12 VDC compressor specs.

Dimensions: 14" L  x  8." W x 10" H                  Weight:  15 lbs


·         12 volt Piston Compressor (CP37 or CP45)

·         adjustable Pressure Switch (22 psi differential)

·         check valve at the air outlet

·         enclosure with mounting brackets

·         6 ft of power supply cable with fuse

·         Dump valve available (to empty all the air in the line) on PN 903508

3 models available (click on the PN too see the compressor specifications):

·         PN 903504 (With CP 37 Compressor)

·         PN 903505 (With CP 45 Compressor)

·         PN 903508 (With CP 45 Compressor with Dump valve switch)                                      

Click here to request price on the compressor kits (PN 903504, 903505, 903508).